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Morning Breath

Have you ever wondered why in the morning your breath has a particularly bad odor and taste?  Many people give it the name “morning breath” and run straight for their toothbrush.  The cause of this bad smell is due to a lack of saliva flow that naturally happens while you are sleeping, which in turn causes bacteria to build during your slumber, giving off a foul smell.  People who sleep with their mouth open are also usually more prone to this bad smell in the morning; of course after brushing and flossing your teeth and more saliva produces through the day, the odor eventually disappears until the following morning.  Unfortunately, there is no way to fully eliminate this problem, but brushing and flossing before bed every night will help keep your mouth clean and healthy and possibly make that odor the next morning a little more tolerable.

– from Erica S. (Dental Assistant)
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