The Commerce Drive Dental team makes a commitment to staying up-to-date with new techniques and procedures to deliver the best dentistry possible for our patients. One way we do this is to make an annual trip to a national meeting with our whole office team. Usually our trip is to the American Dental Association convention that is held in different locations across the nation every fall. It is the biggest dental meeting in the United States and features the top lecturers and exhibitors in our field. We have been going to these meetings almost every year for about 25 years. The team splits up and covers a wide variety of lectures over a two-day period, then reports back their highlights to the whole group so everyone can share the knowledge gained. We all also have time to walk the huge floor of exhibits and talk to the designers of new equipment or products; the information gathered in personally talking to these top people is invaluable.
Our team has also twice attended “The Best Seminar Ever” for two full days of informative and inspirational speakers who really get everyone charged up to deliver the best dentistry possible for our great patients, who definitely deserve great service!
– from Dr. Clause