I had a parent ask me the other day if it is safe to whiten her 9 year old’s teeth. They were using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda daily! This type of whitening does not work and is not safe for children or adults. Dental professionals do not recommend this method of whitening!! The baking soda is too abrasive and will damage the enamel of the teeth. The hydrogen peroxide will cause damage to the gum tissue and lining of the mouth, which will cause sensitivity, pain, and long term damage to the teeth and gum tissue.
We have made and will make professional whitening trays for children with parental permission. We recommend waiting until your child is finished with braces or until all of their adult teeth are present. At-home professional whitening trays are safe as long as they are used as directed. If you have questions about the color of your child’s teeth or your own teeth, just ask us and we will be happy to discuss the procedure.
For more info on whitening, refer to our Cosmetic website page as well as past blog entries on whitening or bleaching on our website.
– from Kim B. (Dental Hygienist)