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ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

My blog today is about the joy of getting wet.  As most people know, the ALS Association has initiated an incredible fund-raising activity known as the Ice Bucket Challenge.  Dr. Kuryla nominated the other three doctors in our clinic to take this challenge.  I decided to take my challenge at the office and to involve our wonderful staff in the event.  You can see the video on our Facebook site.  All day at the office there was a buzz about who would be the lucky one to dump a bucket of ice water over my head.  Needless to say, there was not a shortage of people volunteering for that job.  In return, I nominated all the lovely ladies of Commerce Drive Dental to their own challenge.  We also made a cash donation to the ALS Association.

So what does this have to do with dentistry?  The reason for telling this story is so people who do not know us yet can see how our office staff and doctors interact to create a wonderful working environment.  When you see a close connection between the staff and doctors, you will also see a dental office that is providing exceptional care for the most important people, our patients.  That has, and always will be, the most important goal of this dental office.

– from Dr. Eichmeyer
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